Behind the Scenes
An interview with Mrs Stevens by a pupil
School Life
Mrs Stevens, who teaches in year 5, has told us about her life at BJS. She said that it was a happy place to be, and she always looks forward to coming to school, never feeling like it is a chore. She learns something new every day as she says the learning atmosphere is great.
As some of you may know, Mrs Stevens loves science. For her, space week was the highlight of this year so far. She loved dressing up to be an astronaut and was very inspired by all of the work. When asked about what she liked to do most, she replied that she likes to give children lots of opportunities, just like space week.
In year 5 there is the chance to play a brass instrument and Mrs Stevens thoughly enjoys teaching her class. She also says that music has emotions, like happy songs and sad songs. Having being in her class last year, we know Mrs Stevens LOVES music.
Journey to the river sea is one of Mrs Stevens favorite books to teach. She says the descriptions are phenomenal, the book is very visual and you can take so much from it. In her opinon, it is an all round fantastic book.